Yoga: Earth, Sky, & the Inner Peaks
About Ki Imperial
Kristina Imperial (she/her), better known as Ki, is a native New Yorker now residing in Seattle, Washington. She is a sista auntie fam member in many conscious group gatherings and dynamics, often promoting play and expressive freedom for all. As a medium and healing arts practitioner; with a background in qi gong and movement, it is her absolute pleasure to assist beings with their energetic improvements, as well as the Earth and nearby dimensions through gridwork. She is devoted to serving the Divine Feminine through her acts and studies of the Mystic Arts and Non-Duality. She first started teaching Baptiste yoga in 2017 and has been practicing various forms since 2011. Currently, she is studying for her 300RYTT under the Rasa Yoga Lineage and is incredibly excited to share the tools of expansion gifted to her.
Instagram: @kaiwaterlily and @soul.ki_spoons
About the Workshop
Connect with your body, mind, and spirit, through a mix of movement and stillness. This fusion class will feature dynamic asana, mantra, mudra, pranayama and imagination. We will practice sequences that awaken and deepen senses of the inner self. Honoring the elements and energetic centers of the body, we will summit an inner peak and enter states of deep presence. We hold the highest gratitude for the motherland of India for sharing these techniques and practices with the world. Om Shantih!