Breath Awakening: Cacao & Breathwork Journey
About the OneHeart Temple w/ Suntaya & Elohim
Suntaya and Elohim have been holding sacred space for the Seattle community for over seven years. Our hearts have lead us in many directions along our medicine path, finally landing us here in the alchemy of many modalities. In addition to Breath & Cacao we weave as channels of prayer, song, energy healing and more. We are here in devotion to the OneHeart, an etheric Temple that comes into form when we gather together in love. Coming together in this way activates ancient codes that allow us to co-create a powerful container for healing ourselves and our collective.
Instagram: OneHeartTemple
The Journey
Awaken to your Breath and experience it as the deep teacher that it is. During this ceremony we'll embark together on a group journey to transcend normal states of consciousness and expand into the infinite universe of possibilities. Here, aligned with the vibration of love, we begin the process of liberating ourselves from that which is no longer serving us. Using our breath we’ll open our hearts to new capacities and awaken to even deeper levels of our truth.
Breathwork is a technology that utilizes breathing as a way of shifting out of our default reality. It allows us to access parts of ourselves that we didn’t know were there, that had been hiding in the dark corners or were simply too shy to let themselves be seen. It helps us feel in our bodies that whatever it is we're holding is profoundly FOR us. That the stories and histories we carry are perfectly beautiful ~ and that we (the collective) all carry a piece of those stories as well.
While powerful alone, the two medicines of Cacao & Breath dance together in perfect counterpoint. Each playing a vital role in shifting our consciousness and way of being. The spirit of Cacao guides us to the doorway of our awakened hearts, the instrument through which our prana flows. Together, in community and through our breath, we’ll open that door and step through to the degree that we are ready.