Awaken the Serpent - Bellydance Fusion & Dark Matter in White Spaces Workshop
About Hajera Ahmed
Hajera is a Sufi Dervish + Alchemist. She works as a Healing arts practitioner + Teacher living in the PNW. She is a musician, fire performance artist and fusion bellydancer with Middle Eastern + Indian Influence. Hajera guides yoga, bodywork, and shamanic healing classes internationally. Traditional Chinese Medicine, Polyrhythmic Movement, and Deep Body Emotional Awareness, Massage Therapeutics, are something that inform her bellydance practice. She believes the body is sacred and the sacrad root and wombspace is a primal creative force that every person has the right to explore, and the ability to shift energies in thier body and life, elevating the frequency. She strongly believes everyone is thier own best healer, and wants to share the freedom, joy, and awareness that come from fusion bellydance and deep body awareness, dancing together and witnessing and enjoying with one another.
Social media: @hajiyoga and @mehndimystic
About ‘Awaken the Serpent - Bellydance Fusion’
Fusion Bellydance class with Stretching, Cultural Awareness, and + Abdominal Awareness/Acupressure. All levels! This class is fun, energetic, and very playful!
About the ‘Dark Matter in White Spaces’ Workshop
Dark matter is the material spread throughout our universe that's often difficult to detect. As individual descendents of the stars, we contain our own universes full of beautiful light, and our own particular version of dark matter as well. The many biases and tendencies that remain invisible to ourselves, or are concealed and made invisible to others. This container is held to make visible that which is difficult to see or hard to admit exists within our beings -- a safe space to begin to release some of the prejudiced programming we've been taught, through the open and honest discussion and exploration of topics like race, gender, and sexuality.