Embodying a Regenerative Future & a Song Circle
About Arielle Threlkeld-Sullivan
Arielle is a queer, cis-gendered regenerative practitioner who consults with organizations and communities on systems change initiatives. Her passion is to convene groups across sectors to re-imagine and re-design a new paradigm that is anchored in right relationship with the Earth. Arielle has 13 years of experience working to help create systemic change in organizations in the US and abroad and is now working within her local Seattle community on projects such as homelessness and waste prevention. Arielle is a process facilitator and space holder for groups to convene and unearth what is present in order to co-create emergence. She is also deepening her ceremonial presence as a sound channel and facilitates song circles in Seattle with a growing song community.
Regenerative Leadership 101 on Soundcloud
Social media: @conscious_TA and @arielletherese
About the Workshop (Embodying a Regenerative Future)
We are humans that are living during the Anthropocene, which is the current geological age viewed as the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment. According to scientists, we are currently entering the 6th mass extinction on planet earth and are living outside of 6 of the 9 planetary boundaries needed for planetary balance and thriving. Arielle will speak to some of the flaws in our current paradigm which is based on exponential economic growth and infinite resources. In this workshop, we will learn about the living system or regenerative design principles that can be leveraged in the creation of a new paradigm. We'll embody these principles through meditation, song and movement and will end with an invitation for all participants to leverage these principles in their lives and work for greater systemic impact on a quantum level.
Song Circle
Come join us for a community led song circle! Bring a simple song that embodies an energy that you'd like to share into the space. We'll take turns teaching songs via call and response to one another. Arielle will lightly hold the space and offer a few songs to get us started and then open it up to the group to share the magic.