Chakra Alignment Ceremony
About Maytrelli Diaz
Yoga Instructor by Sivananda, Agama and Diksha Yoga in India. She is part of the International Council of Yoga Universal Harmony System. Maytrelli is a medicine woman from Aztec roots, dedicated to curating an atmosphere that helps the flow of energy and brings you inspiration to deepen into your inner wisdom. With her unique way of leading, her Shamanik Yoga Dance yoga teaching is more of a ceremonial ritual where your body is a sacred funnel where energy moves and heal. She is an intuitive healer a ritualist and the founder of Holistik Living a holistic event production for over 12 years around the world. Her Chakra Alignment Ceremony brings folks to reconnect with the most sublime.
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About the Workshop
Chakra Alignment Yoga Dance Ceremony: This is a journey through the main energetic centers of the body known in the Hindu tradition as "chakras." Join host Maytrelli Diaz in this class through the fusion of yoga and the free flow of natural movements connected with sacred dances you will experience alignment of the body, mind and spirit.