Samadhi Summer Work Exchange Application

Hi friends,
Thanks for your interest in helping out at Samadhi Summer!

Please fill out the form below with your preferences.

The DL (to get a gist of how things may roll out)
Full Ticket work exchange will likely be some mix of Two-Day-On-Peeps for Setup Crew or maybe One Setup + the Tear Down day.

People on teams for parking, greeting and such will likely also help with other tasks (such as truck load/unload days) and will likely receive a half-ticket.

Flex crews might have two four hour shifts during the festival.

How it’ll Work
We are going to place a hold on your account just before the restival, if you show up for your shifts and fully show up during your shifts, we’ll later decline the hold (such that you’ll never be charged). Showing up late, chatting, chilling and hanging when you’ve been needed elsewhere… those kinda things the Work Exchange Coordinator will take into account when issuing the final bills. Thank you for your understanding.