Samadhi Summer Roots Team Application
We need to get all these roles filled (and filled well) in order to do the damn thing. These roles are for the unicorns that are down to show up in their masculine and crush it ~ there is a lot of things to hold, organize and show up for.
We’re also the people that, after having owned it, get to embrace our feminine and receive this truly magical experience as something we co-created together.
***We currently do NOT have dates or a location at this time. We understand your availability may depend on this. Please apply anyway and we’ll figure all that out when we confirm logistics. We’re hoping for mid/late July.***
Without these roles filled we won’t be able to sustainably continue producing Samadhi Summer.
Do NOT apply for any of these roles as a means of getting a free ticket. This is for people that want to support this festival & community through the sharing of their gifts and life force energy.
These roles will require the ability and desire to contribute your time and energy in a large way.
While we will have loads of fun, please understand that we NEED dependable, accountable, hard-working humans to support us. Please know how to balance your personal needs with contributing to this event. Samadhi Summer is sacred, we ask that you respect it as such.
Arrive for your shift on time
Arrive for your shift ready to start your shift
Focus on the tasks requested until the end of your shift
If you finish a task before the end of your shift, find a team lead to provide you with another task
Please understand this is our first time ever having such support roles. We are doing our best to accurately predict what each position will look/feel like but are learning as we go such that your flexibility is greatly appreciated.
We ask that you really feel into your capacity over the next several months before committing to this project.
Here’s the goal. We want to do a lot less work and create space for people to join us and receive some loving finances from the Universe while doing something they’re passionate about doing. As with previous years, we have no idea how much this will cost in the end and our #1 priority is the attendee experience. That being said we’d love to be putting some decent spending cash into the pockets of those people that have spent much of their time and energy working on this event.
Let us create an energetically & financially sustainable and abundant flow of resources for our tribe.
Primary Roles - You will be getting at least a full free ticket.
Minor Roles - Apply if you think you’d like to take on a minor roll however, we’re not even sure we’ll need some of them. Compensation TBD.
Odds-n-Ends Team - This is a support angel role w/o direct compensation. We dream of a team of about 5-7 people that would be able to pickup random tasks as needed such as running errands, making a random phone call, printing documents, organizing spreadsheets, helping clean some stuff, etc.
All roles will be asked to join at least a couple meetings as their role is involved in those meetings. With the exception of our Third Brain who will attend almost all meetings.
Position Begins: April 1st
Go to person for all workshop facilitator communications, needs, etc from now - through close of Samadhi
Onboard workshops facilitators
Organize facilitator needs such that you are in charge of meeting special needs/requests on site
Attend a few zoom meetings prior to event
Position Begins: April 1st
Go to person for all artist and musician communications, needs, etc from now - through close of Samadhi
Onboard artists/musicians
Organize artists/musicians needs such that you are in charge of special needs/requests on site
Attend a few zoom meetings prior to event.
Position Begins: April 1st
Put out call for volunteers
Organize volunteer shifts
Be in charge of people actually showing up for their shifts
Keep a log of participation
Teams to Assemble:
Parking & Greeting Team
Setup & Tear-down Team
Truck Load & Unload Team
Kitchen Team
Lights Team
Attend a few zoom meetings prior to event. -
Position Starts - April 1st
Arrival - With setup crew
Primary Responsibility
Designing the entire flow of guest arrival from parking to check-in including late check-ins.
Training the volunteers to successfully do the above.
Vehicle registration workflow (location, owner, cell)
Determine parking & unloading areas
Create Check-In Workflow (handouts, wristbands, waivers, etc.)
Create a system for late-arrival check ins
There will be a team of volunteers to assist with these tasks throughout the event.
Volunteer Team Thangs
We’ll need volunteers for late check-in shifts throughout the festival
All volunteers need to arrive ON TIME for their training meeting (training likely to be on either setup day)
Position Begins: June (depending when Samadhi Summer is this could fluctuate)
Knows everything or can figure it out.
Knows who is in each roll and who to contact when needed.
Understands the flow of the day
Who might be needed where and what needs fulfilled (music, workshops, etc)
Would need to join a few zoom meetings leading up to Samadhi Summer
Would need to arrive early for setup so you’re familiar with the layout & where things are. -
Position Begins: April 1st
Help us bring the Samadhi Vision to life! We have no idea what our budget is for this right now but would love someone to help us with decor.
We may be able to have a couple folks on a team with you.A lot is dependent on your ability to resource.
Position Begins: April 1st
Warning: This role requires emotional support for Suntaya & Elohim and weekly meeting attendance on zoom. :p
You are our official space holder, sounding board, talking us off ledges and reminding us to breathe.We need another badass midwife that can help make Samadhi Summer actually happen.
The Job - Starting April 1st
Weekly zoom meetings until Samadhi Summer
Arrive early for set up and stay late for tear down
Organizing, figuring things out, taking on tasks, delegation of tasks
You’re our right hand human. You should probably love us a lot.
Position begins: TBD
People Needed: 3We need a person that knows each system at that system any time there’s an offering, 30 minutes before each offering. Checking in with the workshop coordinator or the facilitator, performing sound checks and making sure they have the gear they need to be successful. You will be fully responsible for setting up the offering’s audio.
You’ll need to know our inventory of sound equipment and what’s available and when and get it to the correct stages as needed.
You’ll likely be working a bit with the owners of each sound system as we’ll likely be having people in the community bring their gear.
Ideally, you will have gear to contribute to the cause such as PA systems, mics, cables, mixers, etc.
Position Begins: At Samadhi Summer
Looking for 1-3 people. (ideally we’d have more to give folks days off)
You’re the point person to hold space, witness and reflect love if someone needs additional support.
This weekend is intense and can bring up all sorts of things, we want to make sure our community has someone to turn to.
(We may choose simply to have daily integration circles, in which case we would release this position) -
Position Begins: At Samadhi Summer
Do you have basic first aid knowledge? We would love to have an on site First Aid support person in the event that somethings happens. This is a sober event, so you’ll likely have the easiest job of the weekend!
Position Begins: April 1st
Join a Telegram chat with your fellows Samadhi Lovers in which we will share random tasks we could use support with. If you happen to have the availability to help out, you can take on that task!
We will be throwing out opportunities before and after the event.