Moonlit Wisdom: Women’s Moon Blood Ceremony with Kelsey/Daemion *Red Tent Event
About the Workshop
We open the container of the sacred Women’s Tent at Samadhi Summer through a ceremonial offering. All who identify as a woman, a person who bleeds, or a person who formerly bled are welcome to join in this sacred act of celebration for the rhythms of a woman’s moon cycle. We ask that you show up with curiosity, reverence, and desire to deepen into relationship with thewisdom of your own cycles.
During this sacred gathering, we will tune in to the collective knowledge inherent in women’s rhythms and moons cycles. We will deepen our connection with our bodies and our relationship with the natural cycles that govern us, honoring this experience by offering prayers and moon blood back to the earth through a sacred altar. This ceremony aims to challenge the taboossurrounding menstruation and foster a sense of unity, strength, and connection among all participants.
Come, let us create a safe and nurturing space where we can break free from the silence, embrace the natural flow of our bodies, and empower ourselves and each other. Bring your body, bring your hearts, and bring your moon blood.
The ceremony will be followed by a short info session to provide tips and tools for re-naturalizing bleeding through sustainable permaculture-based practices. In this info session you will learn how to navigate the logistics of living in nature while menstruating.
About Kelsey aka Daemion
Kelsey Wyman is a woman who bleeds. She offers her moon blood to her house plants each cycle and is delighted when it makes her African Violet bloom during the winter. She is a student of indigenous wisdom traditions as well as a social work student training to become a couples sex therapist. Kelsey strongly believes in dismantling the patriarchy through uplifting all women, men, and gender nonconforming individuals. She also moonlights as a ceramicist under the alias Daemion Kenyon (they/them) and creates ceremonial moon blood altar items and yoni steaming bowls.